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Innovation Spotlight: 2020 Fiscal Plans Officially in the Blender

by: Tom Hochstatter, President

So what are we to do? Carry on, that's what. Much like Björe Ekholm, CEO of Ericsson - we remain bullish:

 "Patents are a question of both quantity and quality, so the fact that independent assessors conclude that we have a leading share ... in 5G bodes well for the future.”

(source: IAM Media)

How about in your portfolio - is there leading share? We outline three strategies to go to work on right now while we get to the bottom of this crisis.

Three "Go Now" Strategies*

1) Portfolio Rationalization Sharpen your pencils on what stays, what goes abandoned and what has commercial value and can be licensed or sold off. Please don't wait until the last minute as this exercise take much more than a minute.

2) Portfolio Commercialization Patents and IP are considered alternative assets (in investor speak) and they are also uncorrelated to the public markets. Simply stated, patent values can run counter cyclical to broader economic trends, and we believe that to be true even in a global pandemic. There is money to be made licensing and/or selling in 2020.

3) Patent Tool Automation Leverage your current staff with more patent analysis automation tools. But, do it with Limestone from Techson - it doesn't require any training and we only charge you for what you use. It creates immediate, automated patent feedback so you can make confident decisions.

4) Bonus - Trade Secrets  Stop sending your secrets home at 5:00 pm everyday, or in today's new normal - leaving them to work-from-home, everyday. Most companies, post a trade secret audit, get the high mark of F+; F for failure to adequately protect some of their best stuff. There will be a fair bit of employee transitions over the coming months - let's tighten things up.

Bottom Line: we're all in the Innovation Industry, so we better darn well be the one's leading with innovative ideas...we can help. Email Techson's IP Consulting group this week to get the engagement playbook.

*Most importantly we hope this (and all your emails...) find you and your family safe and healthy.

Team Techson

